Daily Lean Meeting
Digitize your Daily Lean Team Meetings with a drag and drop Visual Management Board. This lean tool provides an interface for reviewing your team’s progress Yesterday, instructing them on Today’s tasks, and quickly isolating Obstacles to performance.
Lean Process Review
Maintain weekly Lean processes with ease. Communicate with your team concerning their progress on Goals, KPIs, Projects, and Tasks directly owned by them. Set the course for the week and remove obstacles to success all from a single dashboard.
Goal Monitoring
Make company goals actionable for your team. Our tool creates a system for clearly communicating goals. Your team can easily create and monitor supporting goals that are applicable for their roles or departments.
KPI Ownership
Real performance improvement happens when people own the numbers. Our tool makes it easy to give ownership of each KPI to a team member that can monitor its progress daily.
Task Alignment
Don’t be aimless or waste time putting out fires. Tasks should always move the needle. Create tasks that move Projects and KPIs forward.
Feedback Loop
Create a place for your team to contribute at a high level. Ensure they are informed about important KPIs and goals that drive the business. Feedback from their unique perspectives can save thousands and boost company growth.
Circle View is a lean collaboration tool for manufacturing managers. We recognize the shift toward remote managers and flexible schedules in the manufacturing space and have created a tool to meet the demand and aid in the transition. With Circle View, you can maximize the potential to reach company goals from anywhere and empower employees to contribute at a high level. It’s time for better lean team collaboration.
Circle View helps manufacturing managers partner with employees to reach goals by increasing their commitment to daily activities and sharing feedback. Our team addresses three main problems that presently exist for manufacturers:
Too many purposeless meetings and not enough progress.
Unresolved conflicts between departments.
Difficulty keeping good talent.

Too many purposeless meetings and not enough progress.
We help you increase Production Efficiency with Better Goals by giving you a tool that allows you to assign progress metrics to company goals and issue tasks to your team that moves the needle. Meetings can be driven by the numbers. Give your team clarity and get them moving in the same direction. Stop wasting time squabbling over miscommunication. As a team, you can quickly address issues, put out fires before they start, and reach goals with unmatched collaboration.
Unresolved conflicts between departments.
Task Interdependencies are a major cause of departmental conflicts. The likelihood of conflict increases when expectations and goals are not aligned. We provide a tool that clarifies quantitative departmental goals. Using Circle View, each department can elevate collaboration daily and take action based on indisputable numbers.
Difficulty keeping good talent.
Communicate trust, individual importance, and openness to each team member by empowering them with their own dashboard that includes transparent company goals and daily performance. Each team member can track their own contribution to the company vision in real-time, and have the liberty to play a major role from anywhere.
Circle View helps manufacturing managers effectively lead teams through employee empowerment. We believe that clearly defined and aligned goals is the quickest way to boost profitability.
Circle View was born from a personal pain point of the Cofounder and CEO, Kiara Thomas. Remotely running her software company, Konnectic Energy, had become overly complicated. There was a different software for every job.
Working from almost ten different software dashboards was not efficient and worst of all it hindered her visionary process. She felt unorganized and spent most of the day trying to work more efficiently rather than running better operations.
It was difficult to get the team on the same page with so many different avenues of communication.
There had to be a better way.

Kiara Thomas
That’s when she decided to merge her degree in Human Resource Development with her experience in software to build one dashboard that could encompass everything needed for a team to run at max potential.
The outcome was Circle View. One screen with everything needed to manage company operations.

Matthew Peters
Matt drives the team forward in product strategy and content marketing.
Matt is a former chemical process engineer turned developer. He’s been working in manufacturing for over 10 years, where he has pioneered digital technology and data automation. He has a passion for revitalizing manufacturing through modernizing the technology and changing the culture. Matt has been recognized in the field for his contributions.
Matt has plenty of experience in combining legacy system data, building insightful dashboards, and automating workflows for processes. This sets him up well to help integrate Circle View into a customer’s existing work processes.
Matt knows how communication and clarity reign supreme on the production floor, and that people are the reason for success or failure in manufacturing.

We create products customers want and love, scalable remote operations, and predictable growth.
Kiara Thomas
Matt Peters
Suneel Nulu
Contact Us
We would love to hear from you.
+1 (225) 308-9685
Lafayette, LA 70805