Accountability by Kiara Thomas | Jun 30, 2021 Find out whether your company is accountable. Email Address Do team members feel as if their comments will be addressed? Yes No Not sure. I definitely need to ask them. None Are team members empowered to show others their current state? Ask for help? Yes No Honestly, we don't talk enough about collaboration. None Does your team levelize actions based on current task loading? Yes No Hmmm, wish I knew. None Can your team access responses to previous comments? Yes No You mean refer to what I said yesterday? Can't be. I repeat myself often. None Does every action needed have a clearly accountable owner? Yes No I wish. Sometimes it takes forever for tasks to be completed. None Does the team feel empowered to both assign and receive tasks to add value to the team’s success? Yes No No, but I like this concept. Right now no one else in my team leads in this capacity. None Does your team feel as if the leaders’ are as accountable as the members? Yes No Ouch! You're stepping on my toes. But I believe this could be a real problem. None Can your team member clearly define their ownership, resolution of tasks, and resulting success? Yes No Not really. This is a failure on our part. None Time's up